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During Science Week 2022 we are joined by our guest panelist Dr. Vicky O'Dwyer to answer all of your questions on menopause! 


Dr Vicky O'Dwyer

Dr Vicky O’Dwyer is a Consultant Obstetrician and Director of Gynaecology at the Rotunda Hospital. She was the Rotunda hospital’s lead colposcopist in 2019 and 2020. She has an interest in benign gynecology including menstrual problems and menopause care.

She completed a maternal medicine fellowship and went on to run a National preterm prevention clinic before joining the Rotunda.

Vicky says “I love my job. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else”. “The most rewarding part is to look after someone through their pregnancy, whether it is straightforward or there are a few bumps in the road, and to see them at the end of the journey both happy and well.”

Vicky is a mum of three children. “I think having been pregnant and having children has made me a better obstetrician”

Rotunda Hospital Menopause Clinic Lead

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